Second WHO Africa Health Forum

The Government of Cabo Verde and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa will host the Second WHO Africa Health Forum on the theme : Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security: The Africa We Want to See. The Forum will take place in Praia, Cabo Verde, 26–28 March 2019.
The WHO Africa Health Forum organizing team calls on partners to let us know what they have been doing concerning the Call to Action from the first WHO Africa Health Forum: Putting People First– The Road to Universal Health Coverage in Africa.
Why attend?
The second WHO Africa Health Forum will be 2019’s seminal health-focused event on the continent. Together, participants will identify workable solutions for more effective health security governance, for strengthening health systems and for ultimately delivering universal health coverage. The Forum will help kickstart new partnerships for improving the health of Africans across the region.
Who will participate?
The Forum will bring together African leaders, ministers of health and finance, donor partners, UN agencies, academics, civil society, philanthropic foundations, the private sector, youth activists and new regional and global health players to exchange experiences and optimize multisector partnerships. The focus on educating and engaging the youth is of particular importance.
About the WHO African Region
The goal of WHO is to build a better, healthier future for people all over the world. The WHO Regional Office for Africa is one of six regional offices. As the technical agency and custodian of public health for much of the continent, the Regional Office for Africa seeks to galvanize political commitment, foster collaboration and align strategic priorities in advancing the health agenda in the region, especially around the Sustainable Development Goals.